We are keen to develop relationships with Accountants and Professional Advisers in order to provide a one stop shop for your clients. The benefits to you and your clients are as follows:
- Eurolease are a single source providing a full range of financial products in both Asset and Invoice Finance sectors
- The resources provided to any one client are agreed at the outset with your practice which means there are no duplication or crossover of financial products that you may be resourcing from other financiers
- Competitively priced products arranged with mainstream banks and finance houses operating on a non competitive basis with arrangements for income sharing where the profile permits
- A professional, service from experienced individuals who understand how businesses work and what their needs are
- You retain ownership of the client we purely facilitate the funding solution and operate on a defined project under your instruction
In our experience many accountants have a source or two for certain types of funding. Inevitably, however, an alternative is required because a client needs a certain product, a specific amount of finance or simply does not fit the underwriting criteria of your source at the time.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements in more detail.